Saturday, August 14, 2010

Resource: Ending Poverty Popular Education Curriculum

You can find this curriculum on-line and freely available on the Income Security Advocacy Centre's (ISAC) website. The 120-manual is available as one not-so-large PDF (980K) and as separate MSWord files. The curriculum supports a basic three-hour workshop that ISAC and Campaign 2000 are delivering across Ontario (in 7 different communities). The objective of this workshop is to involve low income people in a critical dialogue about poverty and a process to support the voices of low-income people on what will end poverty. The curriculum contains over a dozen popular education activity descriptions as well as detailed model workshop designs for the basic three-hour version as well as one and two hour versions and one day-long version. This curriculum was developed in partnership with Dana Milne of ISAC, chris cavanagh of The Catalyst Centre and Jacquie Maund of Campaign 2000. If you find this curriculum useful in any way please contact chris cavanagh to share your experiences.

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