Saturday, August 14, 2010

Catalytic Conversations

reposted from May 21, 2010
A common cry we hear from friends & colleagues is that we could all use more opportunities to learn with & from each other. Catalytic conversations are our solution. Here is how it works...

✓Read an article a month;
✓Join other lifelong learners & explore thoughts
& questions related to the article;
✓Choose the next article or topic at the end of the meeting;
✓Start all over again.

The first article we will be reading is “Coalition Politics: Turning the Century”by Bernice Johnson Reagon. You can retrieve the article online at 2008/01/12/bernice-johnson-reagon-coalition-politics-turning-the-century/

Please join us for the inaugural session will be Monday, May 31 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at OISE on the 7th floor in the Peace Lounge.

For further details about Catalytic Conversations email Deborah at or leave your info & questions at 416 - 516 - 9546 & someone will contact you.

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