Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This popular workshop has been expanded to give you TWO FULL DAYS. Together we will explore some of the principles and practices of good workshop design and facilitation.

While it’s tempting to think that many group problems can be solved through better facilitation, many are better dealt with through effective meeting design. Design is way to ensure that group processes are just, inclusive and effective and facilitation is learning to follow a design with flexibility and imagination.

Through participatory activities you will learn new tools for design and facilitation, share issues and experiences - and have fun in the process!

The added bonus of the two day format is that you will work on designing an activity or event from your own real life experience and benefit from the insight and feedback from other participants and the facilitators.

Facilitators: chris cavanagh and Deborah Konecny

Fee: recommended $300 for the two days or Pay What You Can.


East York East Toronto Family Resources

947 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J9

phone: 416-686-3390 ext. 9985

fax: 416-686-8282


Please register online or phone 416-516-9546 .

1 comment:

Techno Trikster said...

Salut, My name is Natalyn Tremblay and I co-direct an organization called The People Project. I would love to participate and am also considering the possibility of bringing 1 or 2 of the LGBT youth leaders I have been working with of late. I have left a phone message to register for myself but also wanted to ask about the pay what you can scale and what kind of experience participants should be bringing with them to this training? Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. I've left my phone number and email address on the voice mail via the number provided in your posting.
Peace by peace,