Friday, June 24, 2011

Catalytic Conversations: Labour walks (Summer 2011)

This summer we are trying something new for us. Walking Conversations.

The first walking conversation will be in July. Join us!

David Kidd will be facilitating the conversation as we wander along King Street through the St. Lawrence Market Community. We meet at the North East Corner of Toronto St. and King St. E at 7:00 p.m. on July 14th.

David Kidd, longtime Toronto labour and community leader and co-author or Mapping our Work: Toronto Labour History Walking Tours map, will be hosting a labour history tour of the downtown core. The walk will look at key issues of labour in the late 1800s. The tour offers a reflection of trade union struggles in our city with insight into the issues of workers today.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Catalytic Conversation: Keeping it Real - Living our activism every day

This spring Catalyst Centre is exploring ACTIVISM. Our third conversation of the season focuses on living our activism. All you need to do is show up ready to share, listen and learn.

The next conversation is on June 23 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at OISE on the 7th floor. Follow the signs!

Join us for a World Café!

The World Café format is a creative interactive way to not only share the wisdom that each of us has to contribute, but also create a space for new ideas to emerge. Bring your favourite cause, activity, and / or fellow activist and be a part of putting action back into activism.

For more information contact